Title: Personnel information system using sorting and searching for STL and vector




Write C++ program using STL for sorting and searching user defined records such as

personal records (Name, DOB, Telephone number etc) using vector container. OR

Write C++ program using STL for sorting and searching user defined records such as

Item records (Item code, name, cost, quantity etc) using vector container.


Object Oriented Programming


To learn the concept STL, searching, sorting and vector container.



The Standard Template Library (STL) is a set of C++ template classes to provide common programming

data structures and functions such as lists, stacks, arrays, etc. It is a library of container classes,

algorithms, and iterators. It is a generalized library and so, its components are parameterized.

A working knowledge of template classes is a prerequisite for working with STL.

STL has four components

 Algorithms

 Containers

 Functions

 Iterators


 The algorithm defines a collection of functions especially designed to be used on ranges of

elements.They act on containers and provide means for various operations for the contents of

the containers.

 Algorithm

 Sorting

 Searching

 Important STL Algorithms

 Useful Array algorithms

 Partition Operations

 Numeric


 Containers or container classes store objects and data. There are in total seven standard “first￾class” container classes and three container adaptor classes and only seven header files that

provide access to these containers or container adaptors.

 Sequence Containers: implement data structures which can be accessed in a sequential


 vector

 list

 deque

 arrays

 forward_list ( Introduced in C++11)

 Container Adaptors : provide a different interface for sequential containers.

 queue

 priority_queue

 stack

 Associative Containers : implement sorted data structures that can be

quickly searched (O(logn) complexity).

 set

 multiset

 map

 multimap

 Unordered Associative Containers : implement unordered data structures that can be quickly


 unordered_set

 unordered_multiset

 unordered_map

 unordered_multimap


 The STL includes classes that overload the function call operator. Instances of

such classes are called function objects or functors. Functors allow the working

of the associated function to be customized with the help of parameters to be



 As the name suggests, iterators are used for working upon a sequence

of values. They are themajor feature that allow generality in STL.

Utility Library

 Defined in header <utility>.

 pair


It is one of the most basic functions applied to data. It means arranging the data in

a particular fashion,which can be increasing or decreasing. There is a builtin

function in C++ STL by the name of sort(). This function internally uses IntroSort.

In more details it is implemented using hybrid of QuickSort,

HeapSort and InsertionSort.By default, it uses QuickSort but if QuickSort is 

doing unfair partitioning and taking more than N*logN time, it switches to

HeapSort and when the array size becomes really

small, it switches to

InsertionSort. The prototype for sort is :

sort(startaddress, endaddress)

startaddress: the address of the first element of the array

endaddress: the address of the next contiguous location of the last element of the

array.So actually sort() sorts in the range of [startaddress,endaddress)


#include <algorithm>

#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

voidshow(inta[], intarraysize)


for(inti = 0; i <arraysize; ++i) cout<< a[i] << " ";


Int main()


inta[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 };

intasize = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]); cout<< "\n The array is : "; show(a, asize);

cout<< "\n\nLet's say we want to search for 2 in the array"; cout<< "\n So, we first sort the array";

sort(a, a + asize);

cout<< "\n\n The array after sorting is : "; show(a, asize);

cout<< "\n\nNow, we do the binary search"; if(binary_search(a, a + 10, 2))

cout<< "\nElement found in the array"; else

cout<< "\nElement not found in the array";

cout<< "\n\nNow, say we want to search for 10"; if(binary_search(a, a + 10, 10))

cout<< "\nElement found in the array"; else

cout<< "\nElement not found in the array";




The array is : 1 5 8 9 0 6 7 3 4 2 0

Let's say we want to search for 2 in the array

So, we first sort the array

The array after sorting is :

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Now, we do the binary search

Element found in the array

Now, say we want to search for 10 Element not found in the array


Linux Operating Systems, G++


1. Start.

2. Give a header file to use ‘vector’.

3. Create a vector naming ‘personal_records’.

4. Initialize variables to store name, birth date and telephone number.

5. Using iterator store as many records you want to store using predefined

functions aspush_back().

6. Create another vector ‘item_record’

7. Initialize variables to store item code, item name, quantity and cost.

8. Using iterator and predefined functions store the data.

9. Using predefined function sort(), sort the data stored according to user requirements.

10. Using predefined function search, search the element from the vector the user wants to


11. Display and call the functions using a menu.



Personnel information such as name, DOB, telephone number.


Display personnel information from database. The result in following format:

***** Menu *****







Enter your choice:1

Enter Item Name: bat

Enter Item Quantity:2

Enter Item Cost:50

Enter Item Code:1


Hence, we have successfully studied the concept of STL(Standard Template Library) and how it

makes many data structures easy. It briefs about the predefined functions of STL and their uses such

asearch() and sort()

Questions :

1. What is STL? What are four components of STL?

2. What is Sorting & Searching?

3. What vector container?